September 12, 2014

Statement Tea

By Amy at Jolie Tea Company
Statement Tea

As I flip through the new Fall magazines, for personal inspiration as well as for fresh ideas for our tea business, I can not ignore the fact that there is one word that is quite a buzz.  Maybe you have noticed it too.  That word is "Statement".

Statement jeans.  Statement scent.  Statement suit.  Statement color.  Statement dress.  Statement bracelet.  Everything seems to be about making and creating a statement of yourself, with the anointed statement pieces, for the world to see.  Statement is definitely trending now.

So, in addition to now trying to coax statements out of my tried and true closet, perfume, jewelry, etc, I have been thinking about how "statement" could be applied to tea.

Historically, tea has probably been one of the most understated beverages.  Tea was often prepared slowly and methodically and taken quietly in a very serene and restful space.  Today, as tea is enjoying a great renaissance in contemporary living, tea is becoming a more vibrant part of our culture.  It has become more of a public beverage than ever before.  So, I guess, we tea drinkers could make statements to the world simply by the different tea each of us chooses to drink (much less expensive than the new statement studded bracelet!).  Is your statement tea a rare oolong?  An unflavored, single estate black tea?  A double earl grey?  A Fuji apple with caramel and a hint of chocolate and espresso? I guess we could add tea to our personal statements to the world.  It is fun.  It makes us each unique.  It makes us feel special.  All good things.

But then I've been thinking, just being a tea drinker and incorporating this magical beverage into each day is a statement in itself.  What other beverage has a history that spans over 2000 years, comes from one leaf that is transformed into literally thousands of different tastes, has extraordinary health benefits and tastes absolutely wonderful?????  None.

So, while it is fun to have our different statements for this season, even including a special tea, the greater statement that will last longer than this marketing campaign, is to just be.....a fabulous tea drinker.

May all your statements be extraordinary today, 


Jolie Tea Company


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